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About us



We  are a Southern Baptist Church that believes the Bible is the True Word of God. We believe that God created the Heavens & the Earth. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin birth, that He died on a Cross for your sins & our sins, so that every Human being could repent and be forgiven of their sins and be saved from an eternal Hell seperated from God. 


We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. Your works or good deeds will not get you to heaven after you die on this earth. We believe that once you repent of your sins, ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart that He will forgive you of your sins, Send His Holy Spirit into Your heart to help guide you on this earth to do the will of God and that is to have a right relationship with God and to seek the lost and share Jesus Christ with them. We are Called to love one another and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person we come in contact with so they too can be saved and live eternaly in Heaven with God the Father, Jesus the Son and God the Holy Spirit when they draw their last breath on this earth.


We believe that When You call on the name of Jesus Christ and You Admit that you are a sinner, because we all sin everyday.

And Believe in Your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, then when you Confess to Him your sins, ask God to forgive you and He Will Forgive You.  Ask Jesus to come into your heart to live with You and guide you, He will send His Holy Spirit to live inside of You to help you everyday with your walk with Him. He will teach You all things that God desires for you to know. The Holy Spirit,  will teach you how to love others and how to do good on the earth. You are Not perfect, but God is and His desire is to create in you a clean heart and leed you into a right relationship with Him. Once You have Admitted your are a Sinner, believed in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, and confessed your sins to God, Jesus will forgive you & come live in your heart forever.


He now asks that You Confess to others what you have done. You don't have to confess your sins to others, He only asks that you let others know that You have Believed in your heart that Jesus is the Son of God, That You have asked Him, Jesus Christ into your heart and that You believe He now lives inside of you everyday to help you on this earth. Tell another Christian what you have done. We want to rejoice with you and help you to find a good church home that can help you grow in learning the Word of God for your everyday life. We also would like to help you with the next step and that is Baptism. 


Baptism is what God requires of every born again believer, those who have believed in Him and received Him into their heart.

Baptism is being dunked under water.  Just like Jesus was by John the Baptist in the Bible, to show us what to do. Baptism is showing others, friends, family and other witnesses that You are leaving your old life and rising again to New Life in Jesus Christ. It is a witness to others that you no longer are that sinful person, but you are now a New Creation in Christ Jesus. This is a cause for Celebration! Heaven rejoices when one sinner turns from their sin and receives Jesus in their heart. It is a joyous event.


If you have already been Saved, Asked Jesus into your heart but have never followed up in Believers Baptism, We invite You to come and Talk with Our Pastor. He will help you in making that decision to follow through with Baptism. Baptism does not mean you have joined the church, that is a whole different decision. Baptism is following the command of Christ to show others that You believe in Jesus. We here at Johnson Crossroads are here to help you in your walk with Jesus. Please feel free to come and visit or contact us through our Facebook page if we can help you in any decision or questions that you may have.



1470 County Road 139 Florence, Alabama 35633

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